Monday, July 22, 2019


Hello, and welcome to Mr. Root's American Lit Room!  So what exactly is a Lit Room?  I can't say I know for sure, but maybe we could compare it to a training dojo where martial artists discipline themselves in the precise movements of their craft.  Maybe we could see it as a kind of wrestling room where ideas contend with one another to find out which is the mightier.  Or perhaps its is a dining room in which a delicious feast of images and insights is served up to share among friends.  I like to envision a huge conference room where the best minds of the past and present sit around a table arguing and challenging one another and every once in a while asking for my opinion. If our lit room gets a little stuffy, maybe we don't have to be inside at all, but rather in an open field where we can loafe at our ease observing a spear of summer grass... 

Speaking of summer, what literary experiences did you have this summer? What stories did you encounter either in a book, a movie or a video game? What made the story worthwhile? Was there anything that changed or clarified the way you see the world? Explain.


  1. I encountered a story line in the video game . What made the story worthwhile is that it followed the same storyline from the other video game so that's what made you waiting for more and it introduced another storyline so it had more to add too it .No it didnt change the way I see the world .

  2. In a video that I saw this summer taught me that there are stories behind how we became this way.In the video it showed both sides interacting one person poor and the other rich.the rich person made fun of the poor person.Even though the rich person didn't know why he was like that.The poor person. Then explains his story and it made the rich person realize alot.Like how everything is not really what it seems only the inside of you shows who you really are.

  3. CristopherA-I played mortal combat x and it had a story to it of it was like a war like start to the game like a apocalyptic type thing happing where there were monsters that came from the under world and some of the good guys were turnt evil and then the main character has to fight the evil elder god and defeated him but he ended up coming back and the main characters daughter had to fight the elder god but this time while he was at his full power because he took earths life source but he ended up being defeated, and what the games story told me was to never quit fighting and always push Thur no matter how hard u fall

  4. The movie that made it worthwhile was that there was conflict between characters and where there wasn't all one side to the movie so which it made it better and worthwhile. It clarified because it shows there are multiple sides to a movie, story or persons.

  5. This summer I did not travel like last year I stayed in Santa Maria. I would stay home and do nothing after two weeks of staying home I was able to find a job that I got hired at. My summer was boring and stressful especially the weekend before school started, I was still working and my parants had found a new place for us and we were moving out that weekend. My summer wasn't much fun. -ilda cruz

  6. In the film “Prisoners” a father is willing to torture an innocent man thinking he is responsible for the kidnapping of his daughter. - Alejandro Tamayo

  7. The movie that made it worthwhile was when a character was trying to save her children but the other character didn't know. They decided to take the children but they didn't know that they where putting them in danger. She send them to a orphanage. She got a phone call and she found that the children where dead. The mom that lost her children was looking for revenge. At the end the mom that lost her children help the other mom say her children. She didn't want her to feel the same thing she did when she lost her children . -Melisza Perez

  8. Angelica-I saw a movie which the main character was the bad guy in which he later he start to become good when he in another world.He would try to good but the enimes are wanting him dead and now cause trouble as well as previously friend now enimes

  9. A movie that made it worthwhile was when a guy in the story was being bullied and nobody was there to help him. It makes me think of how people actually feel when they are being bullied.

  10. Jessica I,
    The story that I encounter was in a book named Anna and the French Kiss,its about a girl who's parents moved her to an American boarding school in Paris for her senior year. She meets a boy who becomes her best friend, in spite of them wanting to be more that friend.

  11. Esther- During the summer I read a nonfiction book called: In Cold Blood the story I found in the book was a happy and sad story, because it was about two types of family, a happy family full of dreams and the other family grew up were not so happy because their children were dedicated to kill and steal and for money and killed all the members of the other family who ended up in cold blood and consequently the end of the murderers also went to cold blood.I think the part where the story was worth it was where the author explained more about one of the murderers and less about the other and also when he told how it is done it related to them.

  12. A belief that John smith believes is that she is a savage because she lives in no city and just moves from place to place. She asks him so many questions to see if hes been through or has done the things that she has done in her life. -Enrique Figueroa

  13. she asked all these questions to see if he has been through the same things as she her in life- martha n

  14. John Smith believes is that she travels and doesn't settle for nothing. She also lives reckless and lives her best life threw nature.-Danyair Cruz

  15. beliefs that John Smith has that pocahotas figthing for is, that he thinks pocahotas and her people are salvages, and that he cant own everything he finds and make it his land

  16. John Smith sees her as a savage because she’s not civilized. She asks all these questions because smith sees things from a different point of view.
    Fabiola Rios

  17. Mr. Smith believes that the land he lands at is his to own. He also believes that the people he thinks are people, are people who think and look like him. Last of his beliefs are that he thinks that she is a savage because he doesn't look like his people. Pocahontas asks so many questions because she wants him to realise that everything he knows is wrong. - Pablo

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  19. Mr. Smith saw the land as pure dollar signs, sees Pocahontas as a "savage" because she's not civilized, also Pocahontas gives Smith examples of seeing something as bigger picture, For example Smith almost shooting a bear, soon becoming close. Pocahontas ask these questions to give smith a meaning of his surrounding.

  20. john smith believes that she is a backwards savage on first impression but she showed him a different view on life and nature and living things.-Nate Andrade

  21. In my opinion I think that shes asking asking so many questions to see if he has been through the things she went through.-jasmine g

  22. Mr. Smith doesn't respect or believe in the culture of the natives. John Smith see's Pocahantas as a savage because she doesn't come from a city. I think she asks so many questions because she wants to know about how he lives in the city and wants to know what it is like. -Julissa Vasquez
